This is a restaurant for h o n e s t f o o d.
For us, honest food means one, full of content and taste. Food that does not make you sorry, even for a moment, that you have ordered it. Food that you eat to the last tiny bit. And which fully deserves its price.
Apart from standing firmly, with all our honour, behind our food, we also rely on other honest people, producing pure and honest products in Bulgaria. And abroad.
In each meal, we only use products, which we would give to our children confidently and with a piece of mind; products of clear and guaranteed origin; with undisputable qualities and constant and flawless taste and flavor.
This is a restaurant for honest
I t a l i a n f o o d, prepared through contemporary methods, relying on the techniques and equipment of modern cooking, without betraying the philosophy of classical Italian cuisine.
Thank you for choosing us!